Bird photography Techniques

Bird photography is quite different from the traditional photography for the reason that the subject is a fast moving subject and the subject is at distance which an average lens cannot cover. The subject also merges with the branches and the leaves which makes it difficult to photograph. In order to do Bird Photography one needs to study the Bird Habitat and understand the Bird Behaviour.One also needs to be sensitive towards the Birds eco-system. It is only then that you can photograph the Bird. The following articles outlines the various tips for Bird Photography.

1. Dressing & behaviour
Don't wear bright colourful dress because it tends to attract the Bird's attention and will tend to frighten the birds. Wear dark coloured garments preferably dark green or near black dress or a combination of these colours . Don't  travel in groups for Photography. Going Solo is the best and at the most a guide can accompany you.  Keep absolute silence. Traditional tourist places which are usually crowded are avoidable. If you are going to photograph birds, you need to be very patient. Don't expect the bird to just fly down to a place in front of you and pose for a photograph. It could take hours to photograph a bird and may take more than 50 frames to get it right.

2. Timings
The best time to photograph birds is early morning or in the evening. Don't expect birds during the daytime.


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